12:00 PM CDT
07:30 PM CST
2023 YHS Stallion Service Auction
NOTE: YOU MUST REGISTER TO BID! Click the upper right hand button to create your account and login. If you don't need any contracts for next year but still want to support these critical shows, click on the green "Donate" button in the top right corner. Every dollar is appreciated!
The YHS Stallion Service Auction supports the Young Horse Show Final allowing us to host the best possible young horse event of the year in the United States, showcasing young stock for multiple disciplines and breeds, making it the most unique competition of its kind.
As we grow, we are constantly striving to keep costs down for participants at all events and most especially at the Finals but also bring more prizes and awards to breeders, owners and riders.
The Young Horse show team invites you to consider a future breeding to one of the many stallions offered in the YHS Online Auction or, if you are a stallion owner, either new, or well established, this is a great opportunity to donate a breeding and promote your program and support the series at the same time!
Let’s all work together and make the YHS Finals the place to be when it comes to the future of our sport!
About Warmblood Stallions of North America
Warmblood Stallions of North America is owned by WSNA Ventures, LLC, and is operated by Natalie Masin. It offers an impressive combination of services for getting your stallion known to mare owners. The key to its success has been the commitment to service that motivates us. Nat is a breeder herself, and thrilled to be involved in a business that serves the industry she loves.
After ten years as a print magazine, Warmblood Stallions of North America went exclusively online in 2017, where it has become an unparalleled stallion promotion service. It is centered on the website warmbloodStallionsNA.com, and also includes sister site, WarmbloodBreeding.com, the WarmbloodStallionsNA social media pages and outreach to breeders through our Warmblood Breeding News email newsletter.
Featured Items

ASF Air Attack - Fresh
2019 ASF Spark - Art Deco - McMillan

Cabulous WH - Fresh
2017 Cabalito - Sea Accounts - Fatalist B

Dannebrog - Fresh
2007 Don Schufro - Brentano II - Arogno
Diktator van de Boslandhoeve - Fresh
2003 Thunder vd Zuuthoeve - Capital - Lys de Darmen

Dollar du Murier - Frozen
1991 Jalisco B - Uriel - Ibrahim

Rexar du Houssoit - Fresh
2001 Ksar-Sitte - Heartbreaker - Pachat II