08:00 AM MDT
08:00 PM MDT
About Our Auction
BOOST Rocky Mountain & Front Range BEST Hubs at our Online Fundraiser!
Explanation: Rocky Mountain and Front Range BEST will use your donation to purchase robot kit and game field materials or to pay for other organization expenses.
We hope you share with us the passion of encouraging students to participate in pursuits related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. We're building students and a stronger community with our annual robotics competition. Thanks for helping Rocky Mountain and Front Range BEST!
DON'T FORGET... We have a donor matching donations and auction purchases up to a total of $10,000! Be generous!!!
About Rocky Mountain and Front Range BEST
This auction will benefit both Rocky Mountain BEST and Front Range BEST Hubs.
BEST Mission: To engage, excite, and inspire students to pursue careers in engineering, science, technology and math through robotics design...
Our Motto - Build a Robot in 8 Weeks; Inspire a Youth for a Lifetime!
If you want to donate to one of our BEST hubs, you can do that via this auction and the match will be applied! OR
donate through Colorado Gives at https://www.coloradogives.org/RockyMountainBEST/overview .
Use the Special Instructions section to indicate Boosting BEST and either RM (Rocky Mountain) or FR (Front Range) BEST as the recipient. If this instruction is given, then it will apply to the match also!
Featured Items
#009 Roomba i7
iRobot Vacuum

#044 Learn To Climb
Ubergrippen Indoor Climbing Crag

#055 Kokopelli Statue
Free Standing

Sponsor a Student FRB
Front Range BEST
Buy Now: $45.00

Sponsor a Student RMB
Rocky Mountain BEST
Buy Now: $45.00

Sponsor a Team FRB
Front Range BEST
Buy Now: $675.00

Sponsor a Team RMB
Rocky Mountain BEST