West Linn Substance Free Grad Party 2017 Auction!

West Linn HS Substance Free Grad Party
September 2016
10:00 AM PDT
May 2017
06:00 PM PDT

About Our Auction

The West Linn HS Substance Free Grad Party is a parent-sponsored, substance free all-night party. The goal of the party is to provide a safe and fun celebration following the graduation ceremony. The party location is kept strictly secret so that we can achieve this goal. The Grad Party is not a school sanctioned event as all the planning and fundraising is done by the parents of the graduating class through a non-profit organization. However, the school staff believe strongly in this event and work as our partners in planning an awesome event for our graduates.

This year we will be holding a number of online auctions. Over the year, you’ll be able to bid on everything from tickets to parking spots to store passes and various other items. Keep checking back, and remember your winning bids help support the 2017 Substance Free Grad Party!

New items will be added as donations are received. Click "featured items," but to see all items, click on "View All Items" for full list.

Note: this "auction" ends at the end of the school year, but each "item" will have a different closing day/time. When the "item" closes, we will contact the winning bidder!

If you have anything you would like to donate as an auction item, let Jill Schmid know – wlhssubstancefreegradparty@gmail.com. With your help, we'll reach our goal and our kids will have a tremendous celebration!

If you'd like to make a separate donation to the '17 Grad Party, visit http://www.westlinngradparty.com/ and click on "Parent Contributions." Any amount helps!

About West Linn HS Substance Free Grad Party

The West Linn HS Substance Free Grad Party exists to plan and hold an all-night substance free celebration for West Linn High School graduates immediately following the graduation ceremony. The party helps to keep students safe and "substance free" with a full night of activities.

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