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12:03 PM PDT
About Our Auction
This auction was created to help those in our community who are in need resulting from the Coronavirus Pandemic. Through primarily individual donors, this emergency relief fund paid rent for over 35 families in April and has contributed to providing over 10,000 meals to our community. Our community, restaurant owners, and so many have helped along the way. We want to continue raising funds and do our part to help out.
In times like these, communities survive when we come together.
Tahoe is feeling the acute impact of the Shelter In Place directive. With the majority of Tahoe jobs in the leisure industry, the sudden halt of travel and tourism has left many local residents in dire circumstances. Our community may face economic devastation.
We have established this Tahoe Truckee COVID-19 Relief Fund to alleviate the immediate strain that many are facing. The impacts of this pandemic will be far-reaching for months to come. Supporting our friends and neighbors will be critical to our community’s recovery.
Currently, we have two Facebook pages where people can and are reaching out to us: Truckee Tahoe People and Emergency Relief-Tahoe Truckee COVID-19. We are working in collaboration with many local agencies as well as individuals, namely the Boys and Girls Club. In conjunction with The Boys and Girls Club, we are now offering free meal service for those in need 6 nights a week in both Truckee and Kings Beach.
Donating to this fund directly allows flexibility and nimble allocation during this period when timing is of the essence. We greatly appreciate any donations, allowing us to immediately allocate funds with urgency.
Every gift made today, no matter the amount, will be put to good use. Nothing will go to waste. Working together, we can protect and support our community during this difficult time.
About Emergency Relief - Tahoe Truckee Covid-19
Supporting those affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic