At Midnight PDT
08:00 PM PST
About Our Auction
Strawberry Vale Co-op Preschool is a parent participation cooperative preschool. We are a non-profit organization run by parent volunteers who are responsible for the school’s management, fundraising, and day-to-day operations. The Little Red Schoolhouse is located at 4130 Rosedale Avenue in Victoria, BC. The original Strawberry Vale school was started in 1893! Please view our website at www.strawberryvalepreschool.org for details.
This year our focus for all funds raised is geared toward inclusion support staffing as the Island Heath supported child development program is no longer prioritizing preschool programs. This is an exciting opportunity to support a local beloved registered charity and help provide funds that are necessary to support our program and support our children with education materials.
The Rack Bistro has generously allowed us to host a “burger & beer” night at their venue @7:00pm on November 24th where we will wrap up our silent auction! Tickets are $25 per adult - please email fundraising.strawberry@gmail.com if you are interested in purchasing and attending! Note: all bidding for posted items will be done online through this site.
Thank you for taking the time to look at the amazing items donated by our families and generous community that are up for auction. And a GIANT thank you to all of our generous donors and participants for supporting our preschool and helping us support another year of our program.
About Strawberry Vale Preschool
Strawberry Vale Co-op Preschool is a parent participation cooperative preschool. We are a non-profit organization. The schoolhouse is a heritage building now celebrating its 125th birthday and continues to operate on a ‘learn-through-play’ philosophy. The preschool is run by parent volunteers who are responsible for the school’s management, fundraising and day-to-day operations.
Featured Items

A Tea-torial
Lesson in Tea
$50.00 CAD

Gutterly Clean
Gutter Cleaning Service
$160.00 CAD

Melodic Moments
1hr Live Acoustic Performance
$75.00 CAD

Move and Groove
1 Year of Dance
$210.00 CAD

New Driver Training Program
Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit
$50.00 CAD

Steeping in Culture
Tea Education and Tasting
$50.00 CAD

The Ultimate Tea Experience
Tea Ceremony
$50.00 CAD

The Ultimate Tea Experience
Tea Ceremony
$55.00 CAD

Unlimited Yoga!
2 Months of Yoga