play outside

Maven Lane
November 2018
08:00 AM PST
December 2018
09:00 PM PST
GOAL $14,000.00
71.1% To Goal

About Our Auction

We started our playground fundraising 5 years ago, with the goal to provide quality outdoors space to act as a natural classroom for our 200 children. We now have over 400 children attending our facilities weekly, so despite our headway into playground development, we need to further expand our efforts! All children are entitled to experience quality outside time and a chance to reap the multitude of benefits that only outside time can provide. Research proves that children are happier, healthier, smarter, possess better self regulation skills, and develop a love of our land from quality outside play. Please invest in these children today, for tomorrow we will be relying on them to look after us!

About Maven Lane

Our Non-Profit Society and Registered Charity offers quality leading edge learning opportunities, childcare, and recreational programs to children from 9 months up to 12 years of age. Our Society has been supporting our community's children of all abilities, cultures and needs for over 25 years. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and rely on our membership and community for support with volunteer work and fundraising. Our goal is to have our facilities represent our educational philosophies and provide a truly inspiring learning environment where children are able reach their full potential. Children are the best investment one can make for the future - please invest!

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