08:00 AM MST
07:00 PM MST
About Our Auction
This stallion auction is a fundraiser for the Irish Draught Horse Society of Canada. Stallions have been generously donated by their owners in support of the society. These stallions are all approved and a part of the Irish Draught Horse Society of Canada's registry.
The funds raised will continue to support the society's efforts towards preserving and promoting the rare Irish Draught, Irish Draught Sport Horses, and Traditional Irish Horses.
About Irish Draught Horse Society of Canada
The Irish Draught Horse Society of Canada's main objective is to preserve and promote the Irish Draught Horse, a rare breed originating in Ireland. To achieve this objective the society manages the registry, hosts inspections, and provides platforms such as social media and this stallion auction to increase awareness of the Irish Draught, Irish Draught Sport Horses, and Traditional Irish Horses.