05:00 PM MST
05:30 PM MST
About Our Auction
Proceeds from The Friends of Jersey Lilly Saloon Courthouse Christmas Lighting kickoff party go to the Prescott Chamber of Commerce Foundation a 501c3 Charity, which oversees the Courthouse Lighting and annually raises money to cover the cost. In 2023 our fundraising efforts raised $79,200 of the approximate $125,000 annual cost. That makes The Friends of Jersey Lilly Saloon the single largest contributor to the annual lighting.
Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 as a combined effort from our Silent Auction, Live Auction, Raffle sales, Sponsorships and Donations. To hit our goal this year we are hoping to raise $17,000 from our Silent Auction alone.
You can also view our Live Auction at
About The Friends Of Jersey Lilly Saloon
The Friends of Jersey Lilly Saloon is a committee of locals who in 2008 saw a need to begin fundraising efforts to Keep Prescott as Arizona's Christmas City lighting up over hundreds of trees surrounding the courthouse plaza.
With their mission statement, KEEP PRESCOTT LIT , annual fundraising efforts raise and donate over 42k. That makes The Friends of Jersey Lilly Saloon the single largest contributor to the annual lighting event.
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Featured Items

Item # 048
Sharlot Hall Museum Bundle
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Fused Glass Pieces

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Allegra Printing Business Cards
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Outlaw Donuts Gift Card
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Grama's Bakery $25 Gift Certificate
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Item # 159
Blue Compass RV $100 Gift Certificate
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Village Cleaners $25 Gift Certificate
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Item # 179
Orange/Yellow Fused Glass

Item # 180
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