03:00 AM PST
At Midnight PST
About Our Auction
This auction is for the heavy hitting items that will be displayed at the show but also given a chance to be bid on online.
Currently this is open for Mat Hoffman only, but we might throw up more so check back in to see if anything else is up.
OR if you saw something posted on the event invite or Instagram, let us know and we can make it available via this bidding space.
About Dean's Dirty 30: A Benefit 4 Burnside Skatepark
On Saturday, January 9th, 2016, I'm having my 30th Birthday in Portland, OR as a benefit for the world famous Burnside Skatepark!
30 different artists will be donating pieces to the cause and auctioned off. The art show theme is pool skate/bmx art in the form of: photography, paintings, drawings, design, skateboard deck art, woodwork, pool buckets, concrete, and any other creative medium that represents pool riding. These pieces will be on display during the show and bid on throughout the night.
There will also be live music and an array of pool skate/bmx videos playing.
All the proceeds from this event will be donated to help keep Burnside ticking with lights and park modifications to accommodate the surrounding development.
Lets help make sure one of the greatest DIY projects, in the skatepark capital of the world, stays afloat.