09:00 AM AEST
01:30 PM AEST
About Our Auction
On August 12, 2016, the Croydon Park Youth Committee held a Fundraiser Trivia Night to raise funds and awareness about the Croydon Park Festival on November 12.
Our target for Trivia Night was $10,000 a figure we fell slightly short of. However, due to the overwhelming support of local businesses we were left with several amazing product and voucher donations that we would like to offer to you to help us hit that $10,000 Fundraiser efforts mark.
About Croydon Park Youth Committee
The Croydon Park Youth Committee (CPYC) is a team made up of four young volunteers. Based in the Inner West suburb of Croydon Park, NSW, we work diligently to engage young people in social activities in the area. We have been dedicated to this goal since forming as a Committee at the beginning of 2015.
We are non-for-profit. The success of our events and outreach is dependent entirely on the product support of local businesses and fundraising efforts.