Wing Ding 24

Streets Alive Mission
June 2024
08:00 AM MDT
July 2024
08:03 PM MDT

About Our Auction

Welcome to the Wing Ding 24 Online Auction! As you browse our exciting selection of auction items, remember that every bid brings hope. Your participation directly supports our vital programs, including the Trusteeship Program, Foot Fridays foot care Program, and People In Need (P.I.N.) Bank clothing services Program.

Together, we can create positive change in Lethbridge. Place your bids, spread the word, and let's work together to bring hope to our community! Thank you!

About Streets Alive Mission

Streets Alive Mission exists to provide for the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the poor, empowering them to change their lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Some of our key services are:
- Trusteeship Program: Helping individuals manage their finances and gain independence.
- Foot Fridays: Providing essential foot care to those in need.
- People In Need (P.I.N.) Bank: Offering clothing services to ensure dignity and warmth for all.

Together, we can bring hope, healing, and positive change to the streets of our city.

Learn More