Matthews March 2024_1

James Matthews Auction August 2024
March 2024
04:00 PM AEDT
March 2024
07:45 PM AEDT

About Our Auction

James Matthews: Over the last five show seasons James has won 20 Grand Champion awards with 9 different birds at BSNSW Branch and Associates shows. That includes 3 Grand Champions so far this year with 2 different birds.

He has had a number of birds represent NSW at the Nationals with his best results being wins in 2017 with a Spangle Cinnamon Greygreen hen in the AOSV Spangle class and in 2019 with a Greywing Greygreen cock.

Over the last six Nationals he has had 21 birds represent NSW with 12 of those finishing in the top nine. He had 3 birds represent NSW at the 2023 National with the highest placing a 3rd in Spangle and 6 birds represent NSW at the 2022 National with the highest placing being 3rd in Greywing.

James breeds a number of varieties, but Spangles are the cornerstone of his aviary.

Pam Hewitt: Pam specialises in Goldenface and Darkwings. She has won the Best of Variety competition in NSW the last few years. She had a good year with the Goldenface last year which is why she can let so many go in these auctions. She does not usually keep any Goldenface that are Cinnamon and/or Opaline so some of those are in the auctions.

Al birds across the 2 auctions are 2022 and 2023 rung with only one Clearwing hen having been bred with and that is noted in its comments. All others are maiden birds.

With Pam's treatment we had an usual breeding season last year and have a lot of 2023 rung birds that are just going through their moult now and will be sorted out hopefully after the National.

Feel free to ask questions and I will try and respond as quickly as possible.

Good luck and good breeding

About James Matthews Auction August 2024

We are having 3 auctions, both start on the same day and they will finish on the same day 30 minutes apart.

That way everyone will be able to see all the birds available in both auctions before the first auction closes so they can decide which ones they are interested in across the auctions.

I would have made it one larger auction but people have said they have trouble trying to keep up with the birds they are interested in so I think this is the way to get them done in a short time and still give people the opportunity to get the birds they are interested in.

We have the starting price low to allow the bidding to set the price, all birds will be sold to make flight room for this years youngsters.

I try and avoid subjective wording like big, small etc as people can have totally different ideas as to what constitutes those but rather I try and put 4 different photos for each lot to try and give you as much idea about the birds as possible. One of them should be a full cage shot in the show cage to help with size but remember where the bird is standing in the cage can make them seem bigger or smaller (closer to the front of the cage they look bigger and right against the back they look smaller). Also some people take the photo from above the bird to make the head look bigger than it really is.

We have just quickly taken the photos and not played around with the birds as James is self-admittedly a terrible photographer with no patience when they don't want to jump straight on the perch and let him take the photo.

Extended bidding will be activated so any bids in the last 3 minutes of the auction (and then subsequent 3 minutes) will extend the finish time by up to 30 minutes. This is to be fair to all bidders and stop a sniping bid to be made without giving the other bidder the chance to respond.

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