LymeTV's 2021 Auction

August 2021
10:00 AM EDT
August 2021
08:03 PM EDT
GOAL $6,500.00
80.7% To Goal

About Our Auction

Did someone say there's a fun auction that supports a great cause?!

This auction is to raise funds for LymeTV's scientific documentary film on the emerging science of Lyme disease.

LymeTV began production on our ongoing scientific documentary film titled Lyme: Shifting the Paradigm in 2018. We have not filmed in person during the pandemic. We will continue production in the fall of 202.

Learn more about our film at:

TEXT TO GIVE: Text GIVE to 207-707-1073

About LymeTV

LymeTV is a volunteer-based 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization dedicated to educating the global community about Lyme disease & other dangerous tick-borne infectious diseases located worldwide. We are a diverse team of patients, advocates, caregivers, & people who just love our mission.

Our mission is to reduce the incidence of dangerous tick-borne diseases. We believe the best way to fight tick-borne diseases is with prevention, awareness, & early detection information.

LymeTV aims to help reduce the incidence of tick diseases through research, education campaigns, & film projects.

LymeTV's programs include:

Free health education program for children. Our Tick Jedi Health Education Program teaches kids all about ticks in a fun & engaging way, while also teaching prevention as an important life skill.

Outreach to the local homeless community. We provide free tick repellent & Permethrin-treated socks through health events & also by direct distribution to our community partners.

Film projects that highlight the dangers of ticks & the most robust science on the topic.

LymeTV has advocated on Capital Hill alongside the Center for Lyme Action & other national Lyme organizations for increased federal funding for tick-borne disease research. We engage with research scientists to focus efforts on the science that will be most impactful for patient outcomes. We have participated in directing federal funds towards specific research projects as part of the Department of Defense's CDMRP, Tick-Borne Disease Research Panel. LymeTV is currently filming an ongoing scientific documentary titled Lyme: Shifting the Paradigm, which began production in 2018.

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