LTAC PAC Silent Auction 2024

Land Title Association of Colorado
August 2024
12:00 PM MDT
September 2024
06:15 PM MDT
GOAL $8,000.00
78.3% To Goal

About Our Auction

When you participate in this year’s silent auction, your donations support the voice of the title industry. Our state political action committee is working for you, and we couldn’t continue to advocate to the decision makers without your support. Did you know that LTAC’s PAC helps protect the future of our jobs by building awareness among policymakers, and directly supporting candidates who are committed to the title industry? You’ll have the opportunity to impact change for Colorado land title when it matters most. Consider taking part in this year’s silent auction, and together our voices can be heard!

Please note: This silent auction is to benefit the LTAC PAC. All donated items must have a value of less than $725.00 in an election cycle. We are in the first year of the election cycle. Likewise, bids on silent auction items cannot exceed $725.00. Individuals and Corporations may not contribute more than $725.00 per election cycle. Any donations over that amount will benefit to the Rocky Mountain Food Bank.

About Land Title Association of Colorado

The Land Title Association of Colorado is a non-profit trade organization designed to promote and advance title insurance issues in Colorado. Our organization provides education to its members, outreach to the consumer community, and insight to legislators and regulators about the title insurance industry. We are proud of our history, engaged in the present, and challenged by our future.

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