12:00 PM CDT
12:00 PM CDT
About Our Auction
Welcome to the Conservation Federation of Missouri's 4th Annual - Explore the Outdoors: Kansas City live auction page. Proceeds of this auction will go to benefit conservation efforts in Missouri via CFM. This online auction will transition into a live auction on May 31st at Boulevard Brewery.
To learn more about the event please visit www.confedmo.org/kansas-city/
About Conservation Federation of Missouri
Mission: To ensure conservation of Missouri’s wildlife and natural resources, and preservation of our state’s rich outdoor heritage through advocacy, education and partnerships.
The Conservation Federation of Missouri is not a branch of state government or an entity of a public agency. CFM is a private organization made up of thousands of Missourians who work together to better our natural resources, and represent Missouri’s citizen conservationists. Actively involved in state and national issues that relate to conservation, the Federation has long been a prominent and effective voice before the Missouri general assembly, the Missouri Department of Conservation and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
The members of CFM are the conscience of hunters, fishermen, foresters, campers, trappers, hikers, paddlers, birdwatchers and more. CFM speaks for sportsmen and sportswomen whenever and wherever it is necessary, to support our collective opinions on the future of Missouri outdoors. In fact, most of the conservation legislation in Missouri today exists, because of the federation’s strong advocacy work.
Live Event Information
The Explore the Outdoors: Kansas City event will take place on Thursday, May 31 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Boulevard Brewing Company in the Muehlebach Suite.
Legendary Conservationist Anita Gorman is the keynote speaker and complimentary beer and wine, along with Joe's Kansas City BBQ will be served. Live and Silent Auctions will be going on during the event as well. A .17 HMR Rifle Raffle and a 28 Gauge Shotgun Raffle will also be held.
Register by Tuesday, May 22 by going to: http://www.confedmo.org/kansas-city/
Featured Items
Bull Shoals Houseboat Trip
4 Day, 3 Night - Bull Shoals Lake Houseboat Trip for up to 10 People
CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom
9MM Luger Pistol
Fish with Professional Angler Casey Scanlon
Lake of the Ozarks Guided Fishing Trip

South Africa - Safari Trip for 2 Hunters
8 days, 7 nights, 6 hunting days