08:00 AM EST
09:07 PM EST
About Our Auction
In the last year, we have more than doubled the number of rescues we have take in thanks to the support and interest of our wonderful guests! But with that, comes extra bills for hay, feed, veterinary care. We are also finding that we are having to say no to many inquiries about taking in more goats due to space limitations. But we want to save them all! Proceeds from this auction will first go toward hay, feed, and medications and then we start thinking about our next barn and enclosure to save more lives!
The reason we have a strong focus on art (besides Meagan's background as an art therapist), is that we have discovered that many of our visitors love to gift us with wonderful goat art that we proudly display in our barn for all to see. We thought it would be equally as rewarding if individuals would share their talents to benefit the goats financially too!
We are thrilled to launch our first online silent auction and hope you find something you love that will remind you of the goats here at the sanctuary and how you are also a part of our growing goat family!
* Please note: Won items can be picked up at the sanctuary at any time (plus you get to visit the goats while you're here) :)
For items that need to be shipped, please note that shipping costs will be in addition to your winning bid and charged after the auction is over.
If you are bidding to support the amazing young people who wanted to support our rescue goats by donating their artwork, you can always donate back to the sanctuary and we will have on display in our main barn with your name as donor along with the artist! :)
About Frederick Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary
Frederick Farm has been home to rescued goats for almost 10 years.
We are committed to providing a loving home and sanctuary
to as many goats in need of rescue as we can
and to help place goats that we cannot take in loving homes.
We love sharing these playful spirits with guests to promote empathy
and understanding of the species, and to encourage the happiness
and well-being of both the goats and the humans that meet them!
Featured Items
"The Birth of Venus"
Colored pencil on paper 8x12", mattted and framed to 13x16"
Ginger Print
Limited print on canvas, signed by artist
Limited canvas print, Signed by artist
Charcoal/pencil/pastel on paper 10 x 10", double matted and framed top 20x20"
Zachary Print
Limited print on canvas, signed by artist
Acrylic on canvas, framed