2021 Faith Baptist MOPS Silent Auction

Faith Baptist MOPS
November 2021
09:00 AM CST
November 2021
06:03 PM CST
GOAL $4,000.00
69.9% To Goal

About Our Auction

The world needs moms.

So where do moms go to find support?

Other moms, of course!

MOPS is a non-profit organization whose goal is to encourage, equip, and develop every mother to realize her potential as a woman, mother, and leader. We grow together as mothers, as partners, and as individuals during this short and intense season of life.

We love to do what moms do best… meet needs! Our group has collected items for the Ronald McDonald House, shared makeup and our favorite beauty products with Beauty Share, collected mittens and boots for Warm a Neighbor, gathered clothing for the children who utilize the Foster Closet, and helped make the holidays brighter with Operation Christmas Child. (And this is just to name a few!)
Businesses and individuals in our community have taken notice and have generously contributed to this auction. 100% of the proceeds of this fundraiser stay with Faith Baptist MOPS, and will be used to support the mission of serving each other and the community in ways that moms do so well.

About Faith Baptist MOPS

The mission of our group is to encourage, equip, and develop every mother in the Sioux Falls, SD area to realize her potential as a woman, mother, and leader.

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