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07:00 PM CST
About Our Auction
Welcome to EAST's "Valentine's Day is for the Birds!" online auction.
Double your love on Valentine's Day. Show your love to your Valentine while showing love to the parrots at EAST.
We are featuring an exciting selection of fine art, crafts, and other fun gifts - some parrot related - sure to please your human Valentine and benefit a Birdie Valentine at EAST. Spread some love and share the link to this auction page with your friends and family.
Our goal is $5,000. All proceeds will go directly to the support and care of our feathered residents at Exotic Avian Sanctuary of Tennessee, so do be generous - and have fun!
If you have questions about any of the items, contact Liz at lizmareene@gmail.com.
With gratitude and thanks from the parrots at EAST!
About Exotic Avian Sanctuary of Tennessee
Exotic Avian Sanctuary of Tennessee (EAST) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of parrots living in captivity. We offer sanctuary to unadoptable parrots through sponsorships, as well as lifetime care to parrots whose guardians wish to give their companions sanctuary for life.
We provide natural environments for enrichment, flight and togetherness of a flock, and outside aviaries for fresh air and sunshine. EAST also provides adoption services for well-socialized parrots who desire human companionship. We feel strongly about educating the public about conservation and environmental issues, and to inspire a sense of responsibility toward the care of our earth and our animals.
Parrots and other exotic birds represent the largest population of captive wildlife in the U.S., and the need to protect them continues to grow. EAST opposes perpetuating the pet trade through captive breeding. We encourage everyone to appreciate and respect wild animals where they belong—in the wild.
Thank you for joining our online auction. We at EAST hope you will have fun, find the perfect gift for your Valentine, and bid generously, it's for the birds!
Featured Items

"Lucky" The Book

$100 Gift Certificate to The Birdhouse Bird Toys

Amazon Ceramic Mug

EAST Private Tour for Four!

Harmony House Foods Bundle

Pottery "Dragon Scales" Bowl

Private Guided Bird Walk in Greater Nashville TN

Small Bird Stamp with Ink

The Flight of Scarlett