08:00 AM CDT
02:34 PM CDT
About Our Auction
Our auction is a fundraiser for Central Texas trade school scholarships, grants for youth sports teams, and donations to Search and Rescue Organizations in loving memory of Chris Branham, Forever 26. The auction will conclude at the golf course during lunch on September 15th, at which time the winning bid amount can be paid via Square, Cash, or over the phone.
By winning auction items, you are contributing to helping young people pursue their dreams, and helping reunite missing loved ones with their families.
Thank you so much!
About the Chris Branham Memorial Foundation
The Chris Branham Memorial Charity Golf Tournament is an annual event in loving memory of our son Christopher Branham, who was a young father of 2. Chris was robbed and murdered at the age of 26.
Our foundation fundraises for causes that were important to Chris. He really enjoyed attending his trade school, so we're helping local high school graduates pursue their dreams.
Chris also played sports from age 3 to high school. Mostly baseball, but he played football, golf, and basketball as well and got to travel all over the U.S. for competitions. He continued to play golf and softball as an adult. Part of the proceeds from our fundraiser will be donated to non-profit youth sports organizations to help pay registration fees for children whose parents otherwise cannot afford those.
Lastly, when Christopher was 'missing' for 37 days after being killed, we received a lot of support from volunteer Search & Rescue/Recovery organizations. These brave men and women drop everything they're doing and travel from all over Texas to help search for missing loved ones. Searches require advanced technology and equipment in addition to foot, water, and even air searches. Nobody ever, ever wants to need their assistance, but our foundation donates funds to help them continue their important work so they can help other families whose loved ones go missing.
We thank you for your support. It means a lot!
In loving memory of Christopher, Forever 26
The Branhams
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