05:00 PM EDT
09:09 PM EDT
Auction Video
Featured Items

Act Out Workshop Credit

Coach Tote Purse
Donated by the Booster Club

FoxWoods Resort Stay
Donated by Foxwoods Casinos

Michael Kors Waist Belt Bag
Donated by Kim Pugliese

Orange Silk Spun Necklace/Bracelet convertible
Donated by Valentine Jewelers

Sak Tote Purse and Accessories
Donated by Boscovs

Stone Mountain Tote Purse

Sundance Vacation Stay
Donated by Sundance Vacations

Vera Bradley Lemon Set
Donated by Kalen Churcher

Waffle Truck for 50 people!
Donated by All Belgium
About Our Auction
Join us for our Largest Fundraiser of the year!
The Act Out Benefit weekend is now in its 5th year and we can't wait to celebrate!
September 13-15
Schedule of Events:
September 13 at 5pm-Online Silent Auction goes live for bidding!
September 13 at 7:30-Opening performance of Murder at the Art Show (Tickets Available at www.actouttheatre.com)
September 14 at 2:30-3:30-Arts and craft hour with Kalen and Dan
September 14 at 7:30-Performance of Murder at the Art Show (Tickets available at www.actouttheatre.com)
September 15 at 3pm-Closing of Murder at the Art Show (Tickets available at www.actouttheatre.com)
September 15 at 7:30-Act Out Family Art show and Ambassador Showcase (This event is free to everyone).
September 15 at 9-Online Silent Auction Closes. Raffle Winners chosen
Don't miss out on our great auction items as well as our raffle table!
To make a donation, please email booster@actouttheatre.com.
About Act Out Theatre Booster Club
The Act Out Theatre Booster Club is a 501c(3) non profit organization that helps fund projects and scholarships at Act Out.