08:00 AM PST
06:00 PM PST
About Our Auction
The Annual Auction raises funds to support Pepperdine students participating in unpaid summer public interest internships. These funds help our students better the not only the LA community with legal aid clinics and services for individuals on Skid Row but other communities as well. The auction consists of a live bidding auction in Pepperdine’s atrium as well as a silent auction. In order to be eligible for APIL funds raised from the auction, students must be APIL members and must show dedication to public interest causes and many pro bono hours throughout the year.
About Advocates for Public Interest Law
Pepperdine Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL) is a student organization dedicated to fostering service activity and inspiring interest in the field of public interest law in the Pepperdine Law community. In pursuit of this mission, APIL empowers students to engage service opportunities, educates students about the field of public interest law, and provides funding for students to pursue summer clerkships in non-profit law firms and Public Defenders’ offices.