Free Marissa Now Painting

Artist Leah Gipson
October 2014
04:00 PM CDT
November 2014
11:00 PM CST
GOAL $500.00
0.0% To Goal

About Our Auction

"Free Marissa Now" painting by artist Leah Gipson. Proceeds will go to legal fund of Marissa Alexander. Read more about her case here:

About Artist Leah Gipson

Since obtaining a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Leah Gipson has partnered with A Long Walk Home, Inc. to develop Girl/Friends Leadership Institute, focusing her artistic practice on eliminating gender-based violence. She has also worked to assist individuals to eliminate the risk of HIV infection and reduce the harmful experiences of substance abuse. She practices art therapy from a social justice perspective and believes in the power of culturally familiar places and materials for individual and social transformation. Her professional outlook has been shaped by her experiences in resilient communities with individuals ranging from adolescent survivors of sexual assault, women survivors of incarceration, women experiencing homelessness, adults in addictions treatment and individuals in psychiatric treatment or residency. She teaches in the Department of Art Therapy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and is a student at McCormick Theological Seminary. Leah works with individuals, families and groups in her private practice in Oak Park. Leah is also the founder of a collaborative artist group called West Side Art Chicago.

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