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EBA Annual Online Auction

Eastern Baseball Academy
April 2015
07:00 PM ADT
May 2015
12:03 AM ADT
GOAL $2,000.00
73.7% To Goal

EBA Annual Online Auction

Each year EBA has an online auction which goes to support our SCHOLARSHIP FUND. Items in this auction are typically related to baseball but this year we are putting some more local flavour into the auction which we hope to attract more local support.

What is the Scholarship Fund?
The EBA Scholarship Fund was created to provide support to players and families in a couple different ways...
1. Players who EBA places into High School Baseball Academy or Collegiate programs will now be able to receive a scholarship from Eastern Baseball Academy to aid in there future endeavors and hopefully creating a less of a financial burden on families.
2. This Scholarship Fund will also go to support families who are looking to develop their child through EBA but may not have the funds to do so because of a severely low family income to support this opportunity.

Last year was our first year for this auction and EBA was able to raise just shy of $1000 to start up the Scholarship Fund! This year we hope to at least double that amount and continue to support families and hard working players so they can reach higher levels of success.

About Eastern Baseball Academy

Eastern Baseball Academy offers elite training to improve your child’s confidence as a person and current ability as a player.

Eastern Baseball Academy (EBA) is the FIRST and ONLY baseball academy in Atlantic Canada that offers elite year round training for 6-17 year olds. Training received at EBA through our Collegiate-based training methods will provide your child consistent success on the ball field while they stand out from others and discover their potential as a baseball player.

The only time players get to practice or play is with their club teams throughout a shortened baseball season and because of this reason players’ continually are not maximizing their baseball ability.

Our proven player development system combined with EBA’s elite training is closing the gap on player development in Atlantic Canada to match other areas across North America. Training with EBA provides a player the ability to compete within their age group on a National level, while maintaining consistent skill execution on the field.

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